讲座名称:COVID-19 and the Teaching of Writing
讲座时间:2020-05-22 10:00
讲座人:Paul Kei Matsuda
Paul Kei Matsuda是美国亚利桑那州立大学英语系教授,博士生导师,二语写作中心主任,主要研究方向为二语写作,在国际核心期刊发表有影响力论文50余篇,编/著10余部。担任南京大学兼职教授、海外名师,山东大学兼职教授;美国应用语言学会(AAAL)前任主席,国际二语写作研讨会(SSLW)创办主席和执行主编,Parlor出版社主编,Journal of Second Language Writing,College English,College Composition and Communication等多家SSCI和A&HCI学术期刊栏目主编、编委及审稿人。
COVID-19 has forced many teachers to shift to remote teaching. While the rapid transition under global pandemic has been challenging to many, it has also prepared teachers and students to function in the online environment. The “new normal” in teaching has implications for writing instruction as well. This webinar will focus on issues related to remote teaching with a focus on the teaching of writing. We will discuss some of the considerations in course and material design, topic selection, feedback and assessment in the online environment. We will also discuss ways of helping students as they go through a global crisis.