讲座名称:Mobile Edge Computing and Communications from the Sky
讲座时间:2019-12-17 10:00:00
讲座人:Kun Yang
Kun Yang obtained his PhD from the Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering, University College London (UCL), UK. He is currently a Chair Professor and the Head of Network Convergence Laboratory in the School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, University of Essex, UK. He is also an affiliated professor in UESTC, Chengdu. Before joining in the his PhD in University of Essex at 2003, he worked at UCL on several EU research projects in the area of IP network management, active networks and context-aware services. Now his main research interests focus on wireless networks, future Internet architecture, data and energy integrated communication networks, communication and computation cooperation, etc. He has published more than 150 journal papers and books, in addition to 100+ major conference papers. He manages research projects funded by EU FP7/H2020, EPSRC, and industries such as British Telecom. He serves on the editorial boards of both IEEE and non-IEEE journals.
With the advancement of UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) edge computing and communications from the sky become possible and indeed provide an effective way to complement the current ground-based horizontal edge computing and communications. This talk starts with a brief introduction of UAV-assisted wireless communications, and then moves on discussing the necessity of a close collaboration of the two important resources in any ICT system, namely, communication and computation, again in the context of UAVs. Some algorithms for joint resource (both computing and communications) allocation and UAV trajectory design are introduced. The talk concludes with discussions on future opportunities in this exciting research area.