讲座名称:On recent advances in the optical measurement of bubble, droplets and nanoparticles
讲座时间:2019-11-27 9:30:00
讲座人:Fabrice Onofri
Fabrice Onofri,1992年获得法国鲁昂大学(University of Rouen)物理学硕士学位,1995年获得法国鲁昂大学(University of Rouen)物理学博士,2005年获得法国马赛大学AMU物理学博士后学位。现任法国艾克斯-马赛大学(Aix-Marseille University)教授,法国科学研究中心IUSTI研究室主管,欧洲框架计划、法国国家研究署(ANR)和波兰科学院(PAN)常驻专家。主要研究领域为光学散射建模、正反向粒子流特性分析的创新光学技术、粒子及粒子系统分析的光波/电磁波技术等。1995年至1996年,任鲁昂国家应用科学研究所实验室副教授;1996至2007年,任法国国家科学研究中心IUSTI实验室研究员;2007年至今,任法国国家科学研究中心IUSTI实验室主管。
In this seminar I will review various optical methods implemented in my lab, over the years, for the non-invasive and in-line characterization of micro and nanoparticles encountered in various systems of scientific and industrial interest: two and multiphase flows, colloids and suspensions, dusty and fusion plasmas… A special emphasis will be put on their limitations, attributable to the models (light scattering theories and approximations, morphological, dispersion) and to the signals analysis (regularization and minimization problems, computational resources, noise…). Among the various techniques that will be discussed and illustrated there will be spectral, as well as small to large angle scattering and interferometric ones.