讲座名称:On the Challenges of Delivering Next-Generation Multimedia Applications in the Internet
讲座时间:2019-12-10 10:00:00
讲座人:Gwendal Simon
Gwendal Simon教授,2004年获得法国雷恩一大与法国电信Orange实验室联合培养博士学位。2004年至2006年就职于法国电信Orange实验室。2006年起在IMT Atlantique担任副教授以及教授职务。2011年至2012年期间在加拿大滑铁卢大学进行学术访问。2018至2019年在加州Adobe进行学术访问。Gwendal Simon教授的研究方向包括多媒体传输系统以及网络资源管理。发表学术论文100余篇,其中包括4篇知名学术会议Best Paper Award,以及SCI期刊论文20余篇,包括“IEEE Journal in Selected Areas in Communications”、“IEEE Communications Magazine”、“IEEE/ACM Trans. on Networking”等国际知名期刊论文多篇。担任IEEE MMTC R-letters委员会成员、多个国际知名会议,例如IEEE Globecom、IEEE ICC、ACM MMSys、ACM Nossdav、ACM MM的技术委员会成员。
This talk introduces the rising challenges related to the delivery of content for novel multimedia applications, such as Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, volumetric video, and personalized video. One of the main trends in the industry of creative media is the prevailing role of 3D scenes and objects in the creation chain. A growth in the amount of 3D objects that will have to be transported in the network is anticipated. We propose dedicated solutions for adaptive delivery of 3D scenes. We focus in this talk on the delivery of 3D textures and on edge computing delivery for immersive applications.